Work With Us

There are four ways to work with us:

Taster sessions

Four twilight sessions over the academic year. You are welcome to drop in to individual sessions or attend them all.

Dates: 23rd September, 25th November, 6th January, and 27th January

Designed for secondary school classroom teachers of any subject.


The twilight sessions will be on:

  1. Structuring an essay: thinking about the big picture
  2. Paragraph structure: moving beyond Point, Evidence, Explanation
  3. Formality: developing an academic register in students’ writing
  4. Certainty: using modality to develop subtlety and sophistication

All sessions will be structured in two parts: the first hour will provide participants with strategies to tackle a particular element of academic literacy; the second hour will give teachers an opportunity to develop their own ready-to-use resources to take back to their classrooms. In order to create resources, we ask that teachers bring examples of students’ writing. It would be useful to have a range of examples from students of different abilities.

For the full programme and booking information, see: Taster Sessions

A six-month professional learning programme

One full day and three twilight sessions, beginning in March 2016.

Dates: 4th March, 23rd March, 11th May, 6th July

Designed for whole-school literacy coordinators, professional learning coordinators and their teams. This programme will support you to develop a successful whole-school strategy to improve the quality of higher-order academic literacy of students across the curriculum.


The programme is designed to span six months to enable participants to develop, test out and evaluate the impact of their learning over time. Participants must attend all taught sessions and commit to completing inter-sessional tasks in order to ensure the programme has the intended impact in your school.

Session 1: Introduction to the core principles of the Fetch Me a Pen approach to academic literacy

Session2: Piloting the project in your own school

Session 3: Taking stock and next steps

Session 4: Evaluating and celebrating impact and looking forward

For the full programme and booking information, see: Professional Learning Programme

Practical and interactive workshops

Four twilight sessions over the academic year. You are welcome to drop in to individual sessions or attend them all.

Dates: 7th October, 14th October, 16th March, 29th June

Designed for secondary-school classroom teachers of any subject.


The twilight sessions will be on:

  1. The Language of Analysis
  2. Moving Away from Point, Evidence, Explanation
  3. Moving from Speech to Writing
  4. Approaching Written Genres

Each two-hour workshop will support teachers to better understand the literacy demands of their subject and the specific needs of their students. The workshops will provide a safe, honest and intellectually stimulating learning environment to help participants’ confidence in their ability to address these issues in their own lessons. All participants will leave with high quality resources which can be adapted and developed by participants to meet the specific needs of their own classroom context.

For the full programme and booking information, see: Professional Learning Programme

Bespoke consultancy

If you are interested in working with us to develop a bespoke Fetch Me a Pen programme for your school/organisation or would like to discuss other ways of working together, please contact:

Ruth Smith, Head of Mulberry College of Teaching and Leadership

020 7790 6327